Stenonic Nares Repair

Brachycephalic dogs, such as Bulldogs, Pugs, and Shih Tzus, often suffer from stenotic nares—a condition where the nostrils are too narrow, causing breathing difficulties. This condition is a result of years of selective breeding for flat faces and short noses.

Stenotic nares repair involves a surgical procedure to widen the nostrils, allowing for better airflow. This surgery can significantly improve your dog's quality of life by alleviating breathing difficulties and associated symptoms.

The stenotic nares repair procedure begins with your dog being placed under general anesthesia to ensure a painless and stress-free experience. A small incision is then made at the nostrils to remove a wedge of tissue. Next, the nostrils are reshaped to create a wider opening, improving airflow. Finally, the incisions are carefully sutured to promote proper healing and maintain the new shape.

Symptoms of Stenotic Nares

  • Difficulty Breathing: Snoring, snorting, and noisy breathing.
  • Exercise Intolerance: Quickly becoming tired during physical activity.
  • Heat Intolerance: Difficulty cooling down, leading to overheating.
  • Nasal Discharge: Chronic nasal congestion or discharge.

Benefits of Stenotic Nares Repair

  • Improved Breathing: Enhances airflow through the nostrils, making breathing easier.
  • Increased Energy: Better oxygen intake allows for more activity and exercise.
  • Better Quality of Life: Reduces the risk of heat stroke and improves overall comfort.


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