Spay and Neuter

What is Spay/Neuter?

Spaying (for females) and neutering (for males) are surgical procedures designed to prevent reproduction and manage certain health issues. Spaying involves the removal of the ovaries and usually the uterus, while neutering involves the removal of the testicles. These procedures contribute to better overall health and behavior in pets.

The Procedure

For a spay procedure, an incision is made in the abdomen to access and remove the ovaries and often the uterus. For a neuter procedure, an incision is made in the scrotum or abdomen to remove the testicles. Both procedures are performed under general anesthesia to ensure that your pet is comfortable and pain-free. After the surgery, the incision is closed with sutures or surgical glue, and your pet will be monitored closely during recovery to ensure proper healing.

Symptoms Indicating the Need for Spay/Neuter

  • Unplanned Pregnancy: For females not intended for breeding.
  • Behavioral Issues: Uncontrolled marking, aggression, or roaming.
  • Health Conditions: Risk of certain cancers or reproductive system issues.

Benefits of Spay/Neuter

  • Prevention of Unwanted Litters: Reduces the number of homeless pets.
  • Health Benefits: Lowers the risk of reproductive cancers and infections.
  • Behavioral Improvements: Can reduce undesirable behaviors such as aggression and roaming.
  • Reduced Risk of Certain Diseases: Eliminates the risk of conditions such as pyometra (infections of the uterus) and mammary tumors in females, and testicular cancer in males.

Risks of Not Proceeding with Spay/Neuter

Choosing not to spay or neuter your pet can result in unwanted pregnancies, which can contribute to the overpopulation of pets and place strain on local shelters. Additionally, unaltered pets may exhibit more challenging behaviors, and females are at higher risk for reproductive cancers and infections. Males can face issues like testicular tumors and prostate problems. Without these procedures, your pet may also be at greater risk for certain health complications.


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